Practice Whereever You Want Whenever You Need

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Take Your Yoga to the Next Level

It is the goal of Project Clear Light to serve the spiritual needs of Buddhist and non-Buddhist incarcerates through the implementation of a faith-based Contemplative Practices Program of rehabilitation in correctional facilities.

What we offer is a way to move from suffering towards freedom, peace of mind, and contentment regardless of circumstance.


Why Choose Us

Vivamus at pretium metus. Praesent vulputate vulputate erat accumsan egestas. Ut molestie consequat porttitor. Cras id tempus est.

Vinyasa Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia

Slow Yoga

Rabore et dolore maga eiusmo rute aliua.

Slow Yoga

Rabore et dolore maga eiusmo rute aliua

Slow Yoga

Rabore et dolore maga eiusmo rute aliua

Vinyasa Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia

Slow Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia

Slow Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia

Slow Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia

Vinyasa Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia

Slow Yoga

Rabore et dolore maga eiusmo rute aliua.

Slow Yoga

Rabore et dolore maga eiusmo rute aliua

Slow Yoga

Rabore et dolore maga eiusmo rute aliua

Vinyasa Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia

Slow Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia

Slow Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia

Slow Yoga

Dolor reaellendus temorius maiores alia


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    Autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat.